
Women Can Improve Sexual function with the

O-Shot® or Orgasm Shot®

Although each woman’s experience can be different, here’s a list of some of the things our patient’s have told us they experience after having the O-Shot ® and rejuvenating the Orgasm System..

  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Younger, smoother skin of the vulva (lips of the vagina).
  • A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
  • Stronger orgasm
  • More frequent orgasm
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
  • Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Decreased urinary incontinence

What Does the Doctor Do?

First the doctor or nurse applies a numbing cream to the vagina and the arm. Then blood is drawn from the arm in the same was as with any blood test. Then, using a centrifuge and a special method, platelet rich plasma is isolated the resultant growth factors. The whole process takes about 10 minutes and can be done there in the room with the patient. Then, using a very thin needle, the growth factors are injected the clitoris and into the upper vagina into an area most important for the sexual response, the O-Spot. Because these areas have been numbed with the anesthetic cream, the woman feels little or no pain.

How Does the New Tissue Grow?

This extra calcium chloride triggers the platelets to release at least 7 different growth factors that then trigger the unipotent stem cells to grow younger tissue–activating unipotent stem cells. The doctor injects the PRP into an area called the O-Spot–a collection of structures that activate the orgasm system. The woman usually enjoys the effects of the O-Shot™ almost immediately as the growth factors begin to rejuvenate and enhance the sexual response. So, the O-Shot® (or Orgasm Shot®) is a nonsurgical procedure that uses the growth factors each woman has in her own body to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation to activate the Female Orgasm System. Thus far, almost all women receiving O-Shot™ procedure enjoy an increase in their sexual response, and for many the increase is dramatic.
There has never been even one serious reaction to PRP prepared by an FDA approved kit in any part of the body (the FDA has not evaluated the use of PRP in the vagina.).

Warning: There is no magic shot that takes the place of all the other factors necessary for amazing sex (emotional, hormonal, relationship, general health).

The Woman’s 4 “Sex-Pleasure Problems”…

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (usually but not always accompanies Sexual Desire Disorder). Women who suffer with this may want to have sex but have much difficulty finding the pleasure of arousal. The 5% incidence doesn’t sound like much until you think about it–that’s the same as one in 20!
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (Low desire). Remember, that this is not counted a disorder unless it’s disrupting the woman’s life. Around 10% of women suffer with this problem. Important: Suffering with a sexual disorder does not simply make sex not fun. Better sex leads to more energy, more creativity, increased confidence, less depression, and improved overall health.
Female Orgasmic Disorder: Occurs in 1 in 20 (5%) of women. Women can become aroused, but have difficulty with orgasm. This can become so frustrating that sex becomes something that a woman avoids sexual encounters.
Dyspareunia: Here the woman suffers with real pain with sex (not from decreased lubrication or vaginal spasm). The incidence is from around 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 women. (The above shocking statistics came from Obstetrics & Gynecology April 2011)

We have seen some of our best results in women who have  experienced sexual abuse or trauma. Women who get the O-Shot more often tend to get better results. A follow up treatment is recommended 6-12 months after the initial O-Shot. Annual O-Shot injections are recommended to maintain and maximize benefits. We like to say that the O-shot is Ohh-mazing. 


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